Product Questions

We pride ourselves in only providing products that are eco friendly , organic and handmade with love.

We buy local where possible and support small Australian businesses. All of our products are handcrafted by mums, dads, unties, uncles, brothers and sisters. One of your family members could very much be one of our suppliers! 

We care about the environment, the physical and emotional body and would never add a product that don’t go in line with those values.

We sure do! We offer a range of hamper options which are vegan, gluten free and suitable for vegetarians. You can find them listed on the website

Yes! You can customise your box and add a note. Please get in contact with us here  and we will be happy to assist you.

YES! Please contact us here and we will be delighted to help you create a box for any occasion.

ABSOLUTELY! What a great idea! Please contact us here to get the party started…

Delivery Questions

Sorry, we currently don’t send our gift boxes overseas.

Yes! Please contact us here to arrange delivery.

We aim to ensure that you receive your order as quickly as possible.

Once your order is successfully submitted, it is usually packed and dispatched between 1-2 business days. 

Please note , carrier shipping delays may occur due to factors outside our control. We, unfortunately, can’t control how quickly an order arrives once it has left our warehouse. 

Feel free to if you have any questions about your order’s status. Alternatively, if you already have a tracking number, please feel free to check the status via the  https://lovemebox.com.au/my-account/

Our aim is to gift love and joy into the world. Please contact us here to arrange special deliveries.

Absolutely! We deliver anywhere in Australia 

Custom Questions

Absolutely. Whether you need a gift quick or you just can’t decide, a digital gift card is an easy, instant way to show someone you care. Buy one here and send it over digitally in seconds!

Please contact us here  if you prefer a hard copy.

Yes, we have helped many corporate companies. Please contact us here 

All of our gifts come beautifully presented. We offer eco friendly packaging that is or can be recycled, reused and composts.

Our boxes are recycled – our note-cards have seeds inside the recycled paper which means the receiver can plant beautiful flowers after reading your note and nothing goes to waste.


We are always happy to chat with you about any queries you may have. You can use this form here or email: ambra@lovemebox.com.au